“A Rose by Any Other Name…”
In a webinar* sponsored by 360Learning and co-hosted by iorad, they broached the topic of repository learning. I knew what that meant, but I didn’t know it was a thing. We’re used to hearing about learning management systems (LMS) and learning content management systems (LCMS) and even content management systems (CMS). [For a concise article describing the differences between LMS, LCMS, and CMS, check out this article.] But repository learning uses ‘repository’ as an adjective, while learning repository uses it as a noun. But I digress…
I really don’t care what it is called, and neither should you. What it DOES is the important factor, and what it does is makes training AND learning easier for everyone who uses one.
Here are a dozen reasons why you should be using repository learning opportunities for your learners:
iorad is a learning repository. The tutorials created can be accessed in one Help Center that meets every single one of those twelve reasons to support repository learning. Using a CAPTURE — SHARE — LEARN model, iorad powers the Knowledge Loop.
*You can check out the webinar discussing learning repositories and nine other Tips to Tackle Training Mishaps at: