Small Businesses need a Simple Solution


Lauren Taylor

As a small business — you have limited resources. Most likely with a small team you’re limited in time, money, and resources to get the job done. Tasks such as training employees and customers is one of the most time intensive jobs in a small business. However, it’s one of the most important aspects that can set your business apart from the rest. Ultimately, it could win you the business.

Minimizing the number of applications used throughout the business is not only helpful in cost savings but also reduces training and maintenance. Using a tool that enables your team to quickly create and share training across various platforms is vital. This will enable your HR, sales, customer support teams to have the capacity to generate training for their various audiences.

iorad is one tool that can serve up tutorials via an in-app widget, browser extension, iorad help center, or even a third party knowledge base or learning management system. The options are practically endless.

Let’s take a look at some of the options:

Widget: Install the iorad widget to your website to help & serve customers with just in time training.

Extension: Push out the iorad extension across all your employees browsers to allow them to access help on all the applications they use to get the job done.

Help Center: Embed or link out to your iorad help center that provides a one stop shop for your learners. Easily create custom help center views to support different audiences — whether that be customers, employees, or sales team.

Integrations/Embed: Publish to many third party knowledge bases & learning managements. Use a learning management system to provide clear learning paths or a knowledge base to have a central location for sales, customers success, and product teams to find help. Allowing anyone needing operational training to easily access help whether on your product or any of the applications used to run the business.

If you’d like to learn more how iorad can help reduce your small business training challenges — feel free to sign up for a consultation and we’d be happy to learn about your use case and suggest some options.
