Grab the popcorn and …Watch it!


Lauren Taylor

You are probably familiar with the various modes that iorad offers to the learner. There is “Try it” mode, where the learner interacts with screenshots to advance the player forward through the process. There is “View it” mode, which is a nice neat scrollable list of screenshots on the left with instructional text on the right. Lastly, we have “PDF” mode which has been renamed to “Print it”! This option enables the learner to download a Portrait or Landscape PDF of the instructions similar to the format of the “View it” mode.

But have you tried “Watch it — Video” mode in the options dropdown? This is in addition to the ability to export tutorials to MP4 & Youtube in our Professional plan. “Watch it” is fairly similar to Video Export in that the mouse will go through the motions that a learner would without them engaging; however, its generated on request of the learner & not exportable. Pretty awesome, right?!

Your learners can choose to interact with the tutorial in the following 5 ways; Try it — Interactive, View it — List/Slides(mobile only), Watch it — Video, Print it — PDF, or Do it — Live.

Check out where you & your learners are able to select the “Watch it — Video” mode below:

#HowTo #Educators